Kood: T-70056-50
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Karp, kassett ja manuaal
Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!
Mäng on testitud, puhastatud ja hooldatud.
Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Mega-Lo-Mania is an early real-time strategy game that predates Dune II by a year. The player takes control of one of four gods; Scarlet (red), Caesar (green), Oberon (yellow), and Madcap (blue). There are no differences between them except color and AI behavior when opposing. Each level takes place on an island divided into two to sixteen “sectors”. The objective is to defeat up to three opposing gods and conquer the island. Screenshot of Mega-Lo-Mania (Amiga) Before a level begins, the player decides which sector to place their first tower in, and how many men to deploy. The men can perform various tasks such as designing weapons and shields, mining elements, building structures, manufacturing weapons, and forming an army. The number of men assigned to a single task determines how fast or effective it will be. Men that are left idle will procreate and gradually increase in number.
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.