Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
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Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
The game features both single-player and multiplayer game modes, with multiplayer being available through the Game Boy Advance Gamelink cable. The single-player game modes have a variety of match types including Exhibition, Gauntlet, Season, King of the Ring, Royal Rumble, Iron Man, and Pay Per View. Due to memory and roster limit restrictions, the Royal Rumble game mode is limited only to a maximum of 24 participants, compared to the average of 30 in its real-life variant. The season mode is incredibly similar to career modes found in other sports and wrestling games alike, which involves the player choosing a wrestler and building their career with the end goal of reaching WrestleMania, WWE’s premier event of the year. Every week the player is subjected to various matches against the other competing wrestlers on the roster.
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