Kood: SLES-53403
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplekis on karp, manuaal ja plaat.
Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!
Tutvuge piltide abil olevate vigadega (kui on) enne kui ostu sooritate.
Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Emergency! News just in from Okinawa, where a gigantic creature of unknown origin has appeared on Minakojima Island. The only thing left in the area is a television broadcaster’s helicopter. Our mission is to gather data on the creature and send it back to base. Defend the helicopter transporting Riho from the unidentified flying object! E si sta avvicinando a Tokyo! Completing the game in different ways can unlock secret swimsuits for Riho!
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.