Kood: 5055856407089
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
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Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Dishonored is an action-adventure game played from a first-person perspective with an emphasis on stealth action and the use of gadgets and the environment to eliminate opposing forces. The game world is a series of self-contained, mission-focused areas designed for multiple avenues of exploration in terms of in-game movement and powers. Between missions, the player is taken to a central hub called the Hound Pits pub where the player character Corvo can meet with his allies, receive mission briefings and alternate objectives, and convert recovered loot into new equipment and upgrades. In-game areas include loading docks, royal estates, poverty-stricken streets, and a bathhouse.[6] The player can save their progress anywhere, and the game includes a checkpoint save system. Saving is disabled during combat. The game has four difficulty levels that modify the effectiveness of health and mana (magic) potions, enemies’ awareness, damage delivered, and responsiveness. In an easy setting, health regeneration is possible.
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