Kood: 1192-50
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplektis on karp, kassett ja manuaal
Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!
Mäng on testitud, puhastatud ja hooldatud.
Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Besides typical platform game gameplay (running around, jumping from platform to platform), one of the game’s most distinctive gameplay features is allowing to switch the player character’s form to suit one’s needs. The player begins the game as Maui, whose only means of self-defense is an insect-launching pistol that can launch several forms of bugs, some of them combined for greater effect. However, once the player reaches the second level, Maui transforms into Cold Shadow, his ninja alter ego, who defends himself with short-range attacks using a bo staff. Cold Shadow’s staff is also primarily used to explore the level further, such as climbing a narrow tunnel. After the second level, the player can switch back and forth between Maui and Cold Shadow at will, provided he has enough ninja tokens for the transformation. The amount of ninja tokens Maui or Cold Shadow holds determines Cold Shadow’s strength – who can then chain more and more attacks as his skill improves – when played as him in the SNES version. On Genesis, however, Maui needs to collect red ninja tokens instead, the number of white tokens being useful for metamorphosis alone. Some levels of the game, however, prevent Maui from transforming at all, as Cold Shadow cannot bungee jump on vines, for example, which forces the player to use Maui throughout the level.
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.