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Gran Turismo 2


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SKU: SCES-02380/P Categories: , , Tags: , , ,


Kood: SCES-02380/P
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplektis on karp ja 2 plaati. Platinum versioon.

Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!

Tutvuge piltidel olevate vigadega karbil enne kui ostu sooritate.

Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Gran Turismo 2 is a 1999 Japanese racing game developed by Polyphony Digital and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation. It is the sequel to Gran Turismo. It was well-received critically and financially, shipping 1.71 million copies in Japan, 0.02 million in Southeast Asia, 3.96 million in North America, and 3.68 million in Europe for a total of 9.37 million copies as of April 30, 2008, and eventually becoming a Sony Greatest Hits game. The title received an average of 93% in Metacritic’s aggregate.


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