My Hero [The Sega Card]


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SKU: SMS-4001M Categories: , , Tags: , ,


Kood: SMS-4001M
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplektis on karp ja kaart.

Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!

Mäng on testitud, puhastatud ja hooldatud. Tutvuge piltide abil olevate vigadega (kui on) enne kui ostu sooritate.

Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
The arcade version consists of three different levels, each continuing in an endless loop until the player runs out of life. It starts out with the player character (named Takeshi in Japan, and Steven according to the European arcade flyer)[5] on a city street watching as a street thug runs off with his girlfriend (named Remy, also according to the arcade flyer, Mari in Japan). As he pursues him, he must fight off gangs of other various street thugs. Halfway through the level, Steven has an opportunity to save a captive bystander who (if rescued) will help him fight until the bystander is killed. Soon (after jumping across platforms and dodging fireballs) Steven arrives on a beach and fights the thug that has captured Remy. After the level boss is defeated after being hit 10 times, the level is complete. This same process repeats for the remainder of the game, only with two other bosses and stage designs. The second stage design resembles an Edo Japanese ninja epic, with ninja-themed enemies and boss, followed by a sci-fi theme loosely based upon Planet of the Apes, including ape/human enemies and a boss.


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