Kood: SLES-54892
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplekis on karp, plaat ja manuaal.
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Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus (Japanese: ファンタシースターユニバース イルミナスの野望) is an expansion pack to Phantasy Star Universe. It continues the story from where Phantasy Star Universe left off. Players use their own avatars and take the role as instructors to younger GUARDIANS recruits while investigating the evil organization of “human supremacists” known as the Illuminus. Along with new missions, new weapons are introduced as well as new Photon Arts, classes, enemies, bosses, and more. The user’s personal avatar is the main character. In Phantasy Star Universe, players experienced the story through the eyes of Ethan Waber.
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.