Kood: ULES-00727/E
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise (karp ja manuaal on saksa keeles)
Komplekis on karp, plaat ja manuaal. PSP Essentials versioon.
Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!
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Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
Captain Jack Sparrow has been imprisoned in the Fortress Prison and is found by his father: Captain Teague Sparrow, who gives him a sword and helps him escape. The Pirate tells Jack he has to go to Port Royal to look for Tia Dalma: a voodoo priestess who knows the secret to defeat Davy Jones. After freeing some prisoners and escaping from the fortress, Teague kicks his son pushing him into a canoe, with which Jack sails for a while until he comes across the Black Pearl. Immediately notice that all crew members are hidden and “Bootstrap” Bill Turner (William Turner’s father) warns him of the threat of Jones looming over him and that he must take refuge on dry land. Not having time to get to Port Royal, Jack runs into an island inhabited by a primitive population: the Pelagostos. Superstitious and violent, the people mistake Jack for a divinity because of his clothes and they want to give him in sacrifice to make him return to heaven. William Turner (Will) is sailing the waters on a canoe and exploring, he meets Jack, also realizing that the Pelagostos are rather hostile and attack him. Freeing some members of the Black Pearl crew, Jack and Will manage to escape on a semi-destroyed and improvised raft and rejoin the ship commanded by the master quarter Joshamee Gibbs and head to Port Royal.
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.