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The Saboteur


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Tootekood: BLES-00743 Kategooriad: , , Sildid: , ,


Kood: BLES-00743
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplekis on karp, plaat ja manuaal.

Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!

Tutvuge piltide abil olevate vigadega (kui on) enne kui ostu sooritate.

Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
The Saboteur is an action-adventure game set in an open-world environment and played from a third-person perspective. The player can explore Nazi-occupied Paris, some of the French countryside, and parts of Germany. Color is a key element in the gameplay. Areas that are heavily controlled by the Nazis are represented in black and white, with the exception of the characters’ irises, city lights, blood and blue symbols of the French Resistance, and various German symbols, which are bright red and complete with swastikas. In these areas, German soldiers are present in large numbers, making it far more likely that Sean will be detected in his rebellious activities. To “inspire” that district again, players must weaken the German forces occupying the area. In doing so, that district’s citizens regain their hope, visually represented by the area becoming vibrant and full of color. Germans in these areas will not be completely evicted but Sean has a higher chance of escaping them since they will no longer be so ubiquitous, and will primarily be centered on military bases, barracks, checkpoints, HQs, and other strategically important sites. In addition, the French people will play an active role in the struggle for colored zones. For example, if Sean gets into a fight with German soldiers in a colored area, allies like the French Resistance, the Maquis, and even passing French civilians will intervene against the occupiers.


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