Angry Birds: Star Wars


1 laos

Tootekood: CTR-ANDP-SCN Kategooriad: , , Sildid: , ,


Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplekis on karp ja kaart.

Tegemist on kasutatud tootega!

Tutvuge piltide abil olevate vigadega (kui on) enne kui ostu sooritate.

Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
The game combines elements of both Angry Birds and Angry Birds Space, featuring levels that take place on both standard terrain and in outer space. The game begins on Tatooine, Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker’s home desert planet, moves to the Death Star I in parallel with A New Hope, travels to Hoth, then Cloud City in parallel with The Empire Strikes Back, and eventually ends up with Endor and Death Star II in parallel with Return of the Jedi. With the exclusion of Blue Bird, all the Birds are given new powers not yet seen before in a canon Angry Birds title, some of these that are upgraded as the game progresses further. Players can replay previously completed levels with upgraded abilities.


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