Kood: BCES-00483
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplekis on karp, plaat, Magic Card mängu jaoks ja manuaal. Papist suurem karp ja Playstation Eye kaamera.
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Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
The game uses the camera to allow a virtual pet to interact with people and objects in the real world. Using augmented reality, the gremlin-like, simian creature appears to be aware of its environment and surroundings and reacts to them accordingly. The player can place objects in front of the animal and the game will interpret what the object is and respond to it. For example, if the player rolls a ball towards it, it will jump out of the way to avoid being hurt. It will also react to the player’s actions and sound allowing the user to, for example, tickle the animal or clap their hands to startle it. A trailer shown at E3 2009 shows the pet being customized with outfits and colored fur and interacting with virtual objects including a trampoline and bubble machine. The trailers also demonstrate users drawing custom objects (the first trailer shows a car, E3 2009 trailer shows an airplane) which are scanned by the camera and converted to virtual objects with which the pet can then interact with. The pet can also be fed, as in the trailers, it is shown eating cookies and a type of pet food.
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