Kood: ULES-00637/E
Regioon: PAL
Keel: inglise
Komplekis on karp, plaat ja manuaal. PSP Essentials versioon.
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Lisainfo (inglise keeles):
In the online world of Test Drive Unlimited, players are able to drive both on-road and off-road in free-roam mode, challenging other players in real-time anywhere on the drivable map. It is also possible to drive on small islands outside of the main island. The Xbox 360 version has supported steering wheel controllers since launch. Following the third free update, Test Drive Unlimited supports force feedback wheel controllers such as Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel. The roads are modeled after satellite images of the island of Oʻahu. There is a spectrum of different terrains including rainforests, mountains, sandy beaches, and urbanized areas (featuring the city of Honolulu). It is worth noting, however, that other built-up areas on the island are not represented. Although advertising material for the game suggests it to be an exact depiction of the Hawaiian island, numerous government buildings (such as those on Pearl Harbor, Camp H. M. Smith, Hickam Air Force Base), commercial buildings (Ala Moana Center, the convention center, the entire commercial strip in Pearl City and the Pearlridge Center), and notable landmarks (statue of King Kamehameha I, USS Missouri, etc.) are not present in the game. Many roads and highways are also missing or placed far from their real-life counterparts. The ships docked in Pearl Harbor are also in very low detail and do not represent any active or retired USN vessel at all.
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